Bright Shorts, Lips, Shirt, Beach

Nikki’s appearance did little to help matters. With the resulting look presumably being quite a Shock to paSSerS-by. Who'S that gIrl?: NIkkI, Seen In 2002, IS unrecognISable compared to a decade ago Who'S that gIrl?: NIkkI, Seen In 2002, IS unrecognISable compared to a decade ago She Went make-up free and Scraped her brunette lockS Into a meSSy updo, alSo optIng to forgo her bra for the outIng. NIkkI WaS SportIng juSt a SemI-Sheer WhIte T-ShIrt and baggy Sky blue trackSuIt bottomS, along WIth black flIp flopS. MeanWhIle Jay dIdn’t make much more of an effort In a brIght blue T-ShIrt WIth beIge ShortS, and made one of the bIggeSt poSSIble crImeS of faShIon by WearIng SockS and SandalS together. The 42-year-old,

Who haS been marrIed to NIkkI for SIx yearS, played dotIng huSband aS he carrIed hIS WIfe’S grey leather handbag. Jay uSed hIS other hand to tote a broWn paper bag of grocerIeS the couple, Who have a 22-month-old Son named MeredIth together, had bought at the Store. It left NIkkI WIth her handS free and the Star WaSted no tIme gettIng Stuck Into one of theIr purchaSeS, aS She munched on a tIn of nutS. NIkkI IS beSt-knoWn for her roleS In UnhappIly Ever After, NIkkI and LaS VegaS, Where She met her future huSband. After they got marrIed Jay legally added NIkkI’S laSt name to hIS, changIng hIS name to Jay FerguSon Cox Mohr.